About The Program
Our After School Program offers unique experiences and proven programs in the arts, physical fitness, character development, and leadership training. We also provide our kids with proven educational programs and academic support — along with plenty of healthy fun and recreation.
Program Hours:
After School at branches: 3:00pm – 6:30pm
After School at school sites: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Our Outcome-Driven Club Experience is focused on activities that fall in to Four Priority Outcomes:
Develops teens' leadership skills and abilities through experiences in and out of the Club.
Provides young people with dynamic experiences to help them better understand diversity and confront bias and unfairness.
Exposes members to a variety of workplaces to expand their possibilities.
Provides opportunities to explore careers and prepare employability skills for future success. Also, connects teens to real-life work experiences such as internships and apprenticeships.
Academic help for youth outside of school.
Members learn the importance of healthy choices and build relationships with their peers through social recreation activities that build a strong sense of self-confidence and connection to their peers.
A proven health and wellness program co-sponsored by the Anthem Foundation and founding partner The Coca-Cola Company. It promotes the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition through the program’s three components: mind, body and soul.
Torch Club is a “club within the Club,” helping to meet the special character-development needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage in their life. It strengthens their 21st-century leadership skills, giving them a firm foundation of good character and integrity.
Meaningful experiences for teens that prepares them to chase their dreams.
Developmentally appropriate, project-based learning experiences designed to keep young people engage throughout the summer.
(Skills Mastery and Resilience Training) prevention and education program addresses problems such as drug and alcohol use. Young people engage in discussion and role-playing, practicing resilience and refusal skills, developing assertiveness, strengthening decision-making skills and analyzing media and peer influence.
SMART Girls is a small-group health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls in three age groups, spanning ages 8 to 18. Through dynamic sessions, participatory activities, field trips and mentoring opportunities with adult women, Club girls explore their own and societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.
Food safety training course for participants
The Real Leaders of Tomorrow program is designed to develop and maintain character and leadership skills that will provide awareness and impact in the areas of community engagement, career preparation, and teen outreach.
Helps Club members ages achieve academic success by providing homework help, tutoring and high-yield learning activities and encouraging members to become self-directed learners.
Youth increase their overal fitness while learning the fundamental skills of various sports through fun and enriching activities.
Organized league sports and recreation program offering flag football, baskeball, soccer, vollyeball and more.
Recent high school graduates have the oportunity to take free college-level courses and earn college credit.
Positive Action helps students improve social, emotional, behavioral, and academic behaviors through evidence-based programming.
Passport to Manhood represents a targeted effort to engage young boys in discussions and activities that reinforce character, leadership and positive behavior. It also includes a service project where boys learn the importance of giving back to the community.
Online safety program that helps youth become aware of online risks and learn how to make safer choices on- and offline.
Youth-facing digital platform that allows users to complete projects, earn badges and socialize with peers in a safe environment.
Members have the opportunity to experience music with instrument lessons and production lessons that include song-writing, beat-making, and self expression.
Members participate in musical band groups where they perform covers of popular songs at the end of each month in front of their peers.
Music & Youth participants have the opportunity to perform multiple times throughout the year
Youth receive support from positive adult mentors that help them grow into confident, capable adults.
Members gain skills in social-emotional learning, anger management, leadership development, financial literacy, community service, and more.
Gives youth the tools to strengthen their attention, emotional regulation, and stress management skills.
Keystone provides leadership development opportunities for young people ages 14 to 18. Youth participate in activities in three focus areas: academic success, career preparation and community service. With the guidance of an adult advisor, Keystone Clubs aim to have a positive impact on members, the Club and community.
Case Managers work with youth on individual needs and/or life change goals based on each youth's comprehensive needs assessment and an individualized service plan.
In partnership with the City of Fort Worth's Teen Court, youth who have a Fort Worth citation can resolve their cases by performing community service at one of our site locations.
Students receive one-on-one support from an advisor in course selection, academic planning, college applications, financial aid, and career exploration.
Provides a safe place for youth to explore their feelings, behaviors, and emotions in a caring, and confidential setting.
Healthy Habits emphasizes good nutrition, regular physical activity and improved overall well-being.
Helps youth understand the importance of making healthy food choices and the benefits of physical activity. It is made up of interactive practical activities that develop a young person’s ability, confidence, and motivation to lead a healthy life.
Counseling with two or more participants and a onsite counselor to provide support and skills development
Teens receive study materials, tips and information about the GED exam, giving them the opportunity to prepare and succeed.
This program encourages creativity through high quality arts programming in categories such as watercolor, pastels, paint, collage, mixed media, colored pencil, group projects, and more. Participants will not only create beautiful works of art, but they will also learn how to collaborate with others and develop their own unique style.
Equips teens with essential financial literacy skills through a variety of engaging, facilitator-led sessions. Designed using research on financial education and youth development, the program teaches saving, budgeting, investing, and managing debt, fostering lifelong financial stability and workplace readiness.
Equips teens with essential financial literacy skills through a variety of engaging, facilitator-led sessions. Designed using research on financial education and youth development, the program teaches saving, budgeting, investing, and managing debt, fostering lifelong financial stability and workplace readiness.
Helps first generation college students navigate the financial aid application process.
Excursions outside of the Club to gain firsthand experiences of new environments
Educational excursions that take students out of the Club to explore new places, cultures, and experiences.
Engages youth in hands-on activities that teach core concepts in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. By solving real-world problems in a fun and interactive way, DIY STEM encourages critical thinking, creativity, and a practical understanding of STEM in everyday life.
Excursions that allow to students to explore the arts and community of a specific culture.
Facilities in the heart of the community offer a safe and welcoming environment for all kids.
Focuses on goal setting, identifying and managing emotions, making healthy choices, making and maintaining friendships, and resisting negative peer pressure
A college readiness program that guides Club members as they work toward high school graduation and prepare for post-secondary education and career success.
Members gain the knowledge and skills needed to work in a professional kitchen. They receive instruction in knife handling, recipes preparation, organization of a kitchen, and how to safely and sanitarily prepare food.
Comprehensive training in full CPR.
Students receive classroom instruction on the anatomy of the skull, the science behind hair growth, and basic hair cutting and trimming techniques. Upon completion participants receive their Barbicide certification.
Club youth work as a group to provide a service that betters the community.
Members tour college campuses to learn about the many possibilities for postsecondary education.
Helping first generation college students prepare for standardized tests
Allows students to take online, individualized college preparatory courses and access online college and career supports and tools.
Helping first generation college students navigate the college admissions process
Provides resources for students to explore a variety of careers, trades, and more. The goal is to expose students to as many of each industry as possible in order to widen their possibilities.
Building Industry Leaders (BIL) is a program built in cooperation with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and the Boys & Girls Clubs (BGC) to educate and mentor BGC high school students on numerous career opportunities in commercial real estate and give them the professional skills to become industry leaders and contributing members of their community.
A research-validated substance abuse prevention program proven to reduce the risks of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviors.
Hot, nutritious scratch-made meals are prepared in a state-of-the-art commercial kitchen and delivered on a daily basis. All Club members have the benefit of receiving a hot meal during programming.
Participants receive babysitting training through an OSHA Babysitting Certification program. Upon completion students take a certification exam in order to receive their card from OSHA.
Hot, nutritious scratch-made meals are prepared in a state-of-the-art commercial kitchen and delivered on a daily basis. All Club members have the benefit of receiving a hot meal during programming.
Students receive guidance and encouragement to ensure they graduate from high school and continue on to postsecondary education.
School Sites
After school programming for Pre-K through 5th Grade students, only available for those enrolled in the schools listed below. These locations are licensed child care centers which are regulated by State of Texas’s Child Care Licensing.